Things tend to change when you least expect them to ... it is God's way of putting things into perspective.

Monday, November 3, 2008

From the Weekend ...

Halloween was fun! We went through nearly $40 in candy for the neighborhood kiddies. Even had to break into the pantry to make sure we had enough stuff as they just kept coming. We were able to attend the Briarwood Boo Bash on Friday night before returning to practice. The kids were so excited as it meant they could finally go trick or treating ... Charlie was like "whatever!" He just wanted out of the halloween costumes as it was over 70 degrees outside. He did like checking out all of the other kiddos, who were all dressed and ready. Charlie is the little orange pumpkin ....

Happy Birthday to David ... my younger brother! He and his wife, Angie, just moved into their new home this past weekend. They have moved from city-life to country-life. They will love it, I am sure! Looking forward to seeing the new home :)

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