Things tend to change when you least expect them to ... it is God's way of putting things into perspective.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Free Day!

Today was the first day this month that I had entirely free. With the "fast" move and the trip to Australia, it has been a crazy month. Eric and I spent the entire day today working on the house. We finally have it in pretty good shape. We got most everything put away today and have caught up on laundry. Eric did a great job while I was gone, but I came in on Wednesday night (exhausted) and just dropped everything. So, our new house has been somewhat of a disaster zone. We made alot of progress today though, and can finally relax. We even got the materials ordered for our fence so hopefully we can get that started this week. I didn't realize how BIG our yard is, but it is great ... the fence will take awhile though, but it will be well worth it.

With a new house comes a laundry list of things we want/need. We have more than doubled our size, so we have alot of EMPTY house right now. In due time, we will get it filled up, but right now we are just getting some things that are much needed (rugs, blinds, etc ...). It has been really fun shopping for new things. I am not much of a decorator, but it is fun to try and make it all look nice.

It is about time for me to head to bed ... before I go, I wanted to ask for everyone's prayers for my friend, Brooke. Brooke and I work together for KU. While our team was gone to Australia, Brooke lost her father. He was only 60 years old. I am not sure of all the details, but I was able to see Brooke on Thursday as a few of us from the team went to pay our respects at the visitation. Brooke is doing as well as expected, but her father's death was very unexpected so she is dealing with a variety of emotions. Thoughts and prayers are needed for she and her family at this time.

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