Things tend to change when you least expect them to ... it is God's way of putting things into perspective.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Five Months Old!

Charlie is FIVE months old today!! Hard to believe. He has grown so much and is really starting to develop a personality. He is now "attempting" to eat cereal (mixed with formula) from a spoon each day. We started off with banana flavored thinking the sweetness might be better. WRONG!! He hated it. Bloody murder screams!!! This little guy is pretty even tempered, but not when it comes to banana cereal. Today I tried just regular rice cereal and it went better. We got about 6 bites down before he had enough. It is going to take some time to get used to the consistency, but it gets better everyday.

We are also starting to get our fair share of giggles. Each day we get more and more from him. Today, he started to giggle for no reason. It is absolutely the best sound in the world. He has also started to utilize his jumperoo this week. We put it together a few weeks ago thinking he was ready for it as it said to use for 4+ months. He could not touch the floor when in it so we waiting a few weeks longer. We put a pillow beneath the toy this time and he really enjoys it.

I think that our days of being in the swing are pretty much over. He is almost too big for it and he would rather be in the jumperoo or exersaucer now. Charlie is really starting to pay attention to the world around him so he likes to spend his time upright as opposed to lying down.

He is off to bed for the night so I am going to get ready for tomorrow!!

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