Things tend to change when you least expect them to ... it is God's way of putting things into perspective.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Yea! I kept the secret ...

I must say that I am pretty proud of myself....I was able to keep the secret about Eric's birthday gift for nearly two months. For his gift this year, I arranged for one of his best friends, John Wall, to fly in for the weekend. I called John back in May to see if we could make it work and I just KNEW that Eric would figure it out beforehand. But, he didn't! Thanks to some creative help from Lindsay and Johnny Wulf (as well as numerous others who didn't spill the beans), we were able to surprise him last night at the airport! John flew in after work last night and Eric thought we were at the airport to pick up Lindsay. He had been told that she was coming in this weekend to work camp for me, which starts on Monday.

He was very excited as many of our friends have never been out here (to date, Evan is the only one that has graced us with his presence). John and Eric have spent the last 20 some hours "catching up" and driving ALL around town. We stopped at Outback in Kansas City for a late dinner and it was just like "old times" with boys being boys. I think that John has seen nearly every inch of Lawrence and KU thanks to Eric. I am really glad that we were able to make this work ... Eric (and I) are really enjoying John being here.

There is no plan for the rest of the weekend, but Eric's official birthday is tomorrow so I am sure that the celebration will continue. He has requested yellow cake with chocolate icing, so I will be making that tonight or tomorrow. I have also heard plans of a "boys night" out on the town tonight, but I will have NO part of that. I take that back ... I will probably be the driver at about 2:00 am. John Wulf is working a basketball tournament today, but he has requested they don't leave the house until he is home from the tournament!!!

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