Things tend to change when you least expect them to ... it is God's way of putting things into perspective.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Charlie is coming HOME!!!!!

I am afraid to even post this with fears we might be jinxing ourselves, but Charlie is coming home!!!!! We talked with the doctors this morning and according to them he "is ahead of the curve." They don't usually let babies go home from the NICU until late in the 36th week (or later), but Charlie is doing great so the plan is for him to be discharged on Saturday morning. They have "no reason" to keep him!!

They removed the feeding tube from his nose this morning after going 36 hours with no tube feeds. He is doing great and has not had a spell in over a week. They will be watching him tonight and tomorrow to ensure that he is ok. He will also be going through some additional testing throughout the night and morning. He will be having some minor "boy" surgery in the morning as well.

Eric and I will be spending the night in the hospital tomorrow with him. They call it "rooming in." Since we never had the opportunity to have him in my room after the birth (like normal deliveries), they want to give us the chance to be with him and be alone while still having immediate help if needed. We will basically be hanging out all night with him and just getting used to be in charge of him.

Please, please, please keep us in your prayers over the next few days. As you can imagine, we are so excited to finally be getting him home, but this is also a very scary time for us as we are bringing a baby home that was not supposed to be here for another 5 weeks. We have been very blessed that he is healthy and doing as good as he has been ... we have learned over the past few weeks how very lucky we are for both of to be here and healthy!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

katie and eric we are so happy that little charlie is coming home. We hope the nursery is all ready to go for him. This is the first time I have ever entered comments on a BLOG??? GRANNY JO?? sent me pics of CHARLIE. I think his hair is red like mine. He is adorable and will grow faster than any preemie baby on record. GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS WE LOVE YOU ALL AUNT ANN AND UNCLE RICHARD